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Black phosphorus nanostructures (nano-BPs) mainly include BP nanosheets (BP NSs), BP quantum dots (BPQDs), and other nano-BPs-based particles at nanoscale. Firstly discovered in 2014, nano-BPs are one of the most popular nanomaterials. Different synthesis methods are discussed in short to understand the basic concepts and developments in synthesis. Exfoliated nano-BPs, i.e. nano-BPs possess high surface area, high photothermal conversion efficacy, excellent biocompatibility, high charge carrier mobility (~1000 cm-2V-1s-1), thermal conductivity of 86 Wm-1K-1; and these properties make it a highly potential candidate for fabrication of biosensing platform. These properties enable nano-BPs to be promising photothermal/drug delivery agents as well as in electrochemical data storage devices and sensing devices; and in super capacitors, photodetectors, photovoltaics and solar cells, LEDs, super-conductors, etc. Early diagnosis is very critical in the health sector scenarios. This review attempts to highlight the attempts made towards attaining stable BP, BP-aptamer conjugates for successful biosensing applications. BP-aptamer- based platforms are reviewed to highlight the significance of BP in detecting biological and physiological markers of cardiovascular diseases and cancer; to be useful in disease diagnosis and management.