Technology and Media
- Authors: Shareef M. Shareef1, Vinnaras Nithyanantham2
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Department of Software and Informatics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSalahaddin University ErbilKurdistan Region of Iraq 2 Department of General EducationCollege of Education and LanguagesLebanese French University ErbilKurdistan Region of Iraq
- Source: Fundamentals of Educational Technology , pp 98-125
- Publication Date: April 2022
- Language: English
Technology and Media, Page 1 of 1
< Previous page | Next page > /docserver/preview/fulltext/9789815039832/chap6-1.gifInformation and communication technology has a vast influence on education, but it also has implications for the expert development of teachers. On the other hand, the media also has a huge impact on education, which are the channels of conveying information to learners and are also those devices and machines needed to transmit information to learners such as; prints, graphics, animations, audio, and audiovisuals. This chapter investigates the significance of educational media and multimedia technology for active service delivery in teaching and learning processes. It also clarifies the various types of educational media and multimedia technology with a clear explanation. In addition, it shows the functions of Mass Media/social media and the effect of social media in the teaching and learning process.
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