Adaptive Compensation of Magnetic Inductive Variation
- Authors: Chih Cheng Huang1, Chun-Liang Lin2
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 National Space OrganizationHsinchu CityTaiwan 2 Department of Electrical EngineeringNational Chung Hsing UniversityTaichung City, Taiwan
- Source: Coherent Wireless Power Charging and Data Transfer for Electric Vehicles , pp 90-96
- Publication Date: January 2022
- Language: English
Because of increased awareness regarding environmental protection and decreased cost of electric vehicle (EV) batteries, the market share of EVs has gradually increased. EVs can cogenerate power with a traditional centralized power generation system. A bidirectional wireless power transfer battery charging system (BWPTBCS) in an EV is a distributed energy storage system that acts as a virtual power plant. This virtual power plant instantly complies with the command of an aggregator to cogenerate energy with the traditional centralized power generation system during peak demand hours. Because energy storage systems respond quickly to the load, the spinning reserve of the traditional centralized power generation system is reduced. Moreover, energy storage systems distribute power over a city and near the load, which can reduce the energy transmission distance from the traditional centralized power generation system and increase the energy transmission efficiency. Therefore, an EV with a BWPTBCS is beneficial for consumers, the traditional centralized power generation system, and owners. This chapter proposes an adaptive-compensation-based magnetic induction system (ACMIS) for BWPTBCSs. The proposed ACMIS is based on zero-voltage switching, transmits power from a single-end inverter of a Parallel–Parallel (PP) type compensated network, and automatically adjusts the impedance of an inductor–capacitor tank to that of a matching network. The ACMIS efficiently transmits power wirelessly under a varying air gap and in the case of misalignment between two power pads.
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