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Recent Advancements and Impact of Multimedia in Education

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The term "multimedia learning" refers to education that combines words and images. Reading a physics textbook, seeing a recorded lecture, or watching a PowerPoint presentation are all examples of multimedia learning. Also with the advent of artificial intelligence, the format of the learning procedure has now become more advanced, personalized, and relevant as students can get their answers more random with full specification as compared to earlier processes. The 21st century, known colloquially as the era of information and technology (IT), is currently in effect. Nowadays, the educational sector makes extensive use of information and technology to make teaching and learning successful and enjoyable for both teachers and students. Teachers are the cornerstone of any society that is able to function. The use of technology is crucial in teacher training programmers. Students can learn and gain information through varied sources like the Internet, digital media, cable networks, and social media sites like Whatsapp, Linkedin, Igo, Line, Facebook, Twitter, and Wechat. Thus, multimedia, Information, and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a significant role in training purposes and enhancing skills of teaching abilities. In the ushering era of technology, namely multimedia, it is now utilized as a teaching tool. Multimedia applications can be designed in effective ways to produce successful educational results, according to several researchers and educators. Not only that, but we'll also talk about the definition of multimedia, how it relates to learning tools, the idea of multimedia applications, how they're made using various media, the kinds of educational components that encourage students to learn in their natural environments, and real-world problems. This article explains the concepts and traits of multimedia and educational components. In light of the many altering needs of our society, attention is now paid to various educational conceptions and practices. Changes are being made in teacher education as well, as per these beliefs and practices. The interdisciplinary approach, correspondence courses, orientation courses, and other modern trends in teacher education are included below. Other methods utilized in teacher education include team teaching, programmed instruction, micro-teaching, and simulations. Action research is now used in teacher education as well.&nbsp;<br>

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