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A Novel Nanotechnological Approach Towards Solar Panel

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The significance and benefits of using solar energy for making use of power are notable. Still, the pace of introducing photovoltaic panels for creating power in domestic and private enterprises is still low. The explanation is the high establishment cost of the Photovoltaic arrangement, decreased productivity of the as-of-now involved solar panels and the huge space required for introducing solar panels. In this chapter, the authors have proposed an innovative Photovoltaic arrangement that resolves the previously mentioned issues. The proposed innovative multi-layered Photovoltaic model integrates nanotechnology with the present model of the panel. Various nanocomposites and nano polymers are compared, and the best-suited one is used to propose a novel solar panel with the help of nanotechnology. It was found that the integration of nano-technology improved the transmission rate of sun rays in the proposed panel. Lastly, a detailed comparative analysis between the existing Monocrystalline panel and the proposed set-up is done. It is found that the technical, economic and environmental performance of the proposed Photovoltaic Set-up exceeded that of the existing technology

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