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Application Example: A Pneumatic Driven Hydrogen Compressor with Increased Efficiency

image of Application Example: A Pneumatic Driven Hydrogen Compressor with Increased Efficiency

In this chapter, an application example is studied where the energetic efficiency of a pneumatically driven device is of importance. The chosen example consists of an air-driven gas booster used as a Hydrogen compressor in a refuel station for H2 driven cars. The needed force for the driving of the compression cylinders is calculated, and a new pneumatic motor based on the principle of adding expansion work is proposed. The new motor is designed for sufficient effort for moving the mobile equipment under the maximum compression force. The air consumption of the new system is calculated, and finally, the air savings in comparison to a classical air-driven booster. The simulation is completed with a dynamic part showing the dynamic performance in terms of velocity and time to reach the final position of the pistons.

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