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Modelling the Effects of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) and Interphase Parameters on Mechanical Properties of CNT-Reinforced Nanocomposites

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CNT-reinforced polymer nanocomposites are emerging as a pioneer material for structural applications because of their enhanced mechanical properties as compared with neat polymers. The load transfer mechanisms and effective mechanical properties of these nanocomposites are strongly influenced by CNT parameters (volume fraction, length, aspect ratio, etc.), and thickness and mechanical properties of the interfacial region between the embedded CNT and the matrix. In this paper, modelling studies have been carried out to analyze the effects of these parameters on the effective elastic properties of a polymethyl methacrylate matrix embedded with single-walled CNTs. A three-phase continuum mechanics-based 3-D model of the nanocomposite is analyzed using the finite element method to predict the effect of an interphase on the elastic properties (elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio) of the nanocomposite in longitudinal and transverse directions. The effect of the interphase having a varied modulus (ranging from that of CNT to that of matrix) through its thickness is also investigated. The Mori-Tanaka homogenization method is also applied to the three-phase and multi-phase micromechanical models to determine its feasibility in estimating the influence of the interphase on the elastic properties of the nanocomposite<br>

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