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Artificial Intelligence and Drones in Smart Farming

image of Artificial Intelligence and Drones in Smart Farming

Since India is the second-highest populated country in the world and the seventh-largest country in terms of area, which includes hills, plateaus, coastal areas, etc., this situation of land makes a variety of crops and harvest timelines. These timelines seeped into India’s culture and festivals. The harvest planning of farmers became a very challenging task due to the variety of land and multitude of harvest timelines as well. To execute this harvest plan, farmers must survey and map their land, but their limited reach restricts them. In view of these restrictions and limitations, drones can be very helpful for farmers; these drones can improve surveying quality and provide a proper harvest timeline as output. Artificial Intelligence-powered drones will give results in three stages: analysis of field planning, tracking the growth and counting of crops, and finally the ripeness tracking and timing of the harvest. nbsp;

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