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Understanding the Impact of Cuban Immunotherapy Protocols During COVID-19 Disease: Contributions from Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Approaches

image of Understanding the Impact of Cuban Immunotherapy Protocols During COVID-19 Disease: Contributions from Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Approaches

Cuban protocols to treat patients with COVID-19 include interferon alpha 2B and anti-inflammatory therapy at different moments of the progression of the disease. Here, we present the results obtained using a mathematical model to study the immunopathology associated with COVID-19. Model simulations reproduce the clinical observations for the antiviral and anti-inflammatory therapies and provide explanations for their efficacy from an immunological point of view. In addition, we present new data and statistical analysis of the clinical use of itolizumab, a humanized anti-CD6 antibody that reduces the secretion of multiple inflammatory cytokines. Authors concluded that the timely use of itolizumab can reduce the probability of death while its late prescription might not significantly reduce COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

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