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Algal Biodiesel Chemical Characterization

image of Algal Biodiesel Chemical Characterization

Algae have been produced or evaluated as a nutritional supplement in animal husbandry, rather than as an alternative energy source for many years. As a result of biomass energy research, which has accelerated in recent years with the impact of rising oil prices, algae have started to be seen as a promising energy source. Despite being successful in laboratory research, pilot, and small-scale experiments, also called third-generation biofuel technologies and aiming to use many algae species in nature as an energy source, the desired yield cannot be obtained if ideal processes cannot be created in large-scale local productions. In general, algae may contain about 15-77% fat although the volume varies by species. Compared to other oil plants, their high oil content and growth efficiency make algae attractive for biodiesel and biogas production. The production of these fuels from algae has the potential to respond to the increasing global energy need and, in part, to contribute to the prevention of global warming by converting more than enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into efficient products through photosynthesis.

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