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The CO2 Mitigation and Exergo and Environ- Economics Analysis of Bio-gas Integrated Semi- Transparent Photo-voltaic Thermal (Bi-iSPVT) System for Indian Composite Climate

image of The CO2 Mitigation and Exergo and Environ- Economics Analysis of Bio-gas Integrated Semi- Transparent Photo-voltaic Thermal (Bi-iSPVT) System for Indian Composite Climate

It is to be noted that biogas production is drastically reduced in cold climatic conditions, especially in winter, due to a drop in ambient air temperature, which is much below an optimum temperature of about 37℃ for fermentation of slurry. Many methods, such as hot charging, passive/active for slurry heating, have been tested, and it has been found that the passive heating method is neither practical nor self-sustained. In order to make bio-gas heating self-sustained, economical, and friendly to ecology and the environment, a new approach of Bi-iSPVT has been adopted. Based on the finding, we have made an attempt to analyze the system in terms of CO2 mitigation, energy matrices, and environ- and exergo-economics to have a clean environment and sustainable climate. An analysis has been performed by using embodied energy, the annual overall thermal exergy of the system for ecological balance for the good health of human beings. It has been found that an energy payback time (EPBT) for a sustainable Bi-iSPVT system is about 1.67years, along with an exergo-economic parameter ( Rex ) of 0.1016 kWh/

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