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Thermal Analysis of Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Air Heater Employing Thermoelectric Module (TEM)

image of Thermal Analysis of Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Air Heater Employing Thermoelectric Module (TEM)

This chapter provides the description and analysis of a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) air heater, including a thermoelectric module (TEM). A PVT air heater offers several advantages over a PVT water heater. The problems such as corrosion and freezing do not exist when air is used as a working fluid. Also, the system design is less complex, incurs lower operation costs and can be easily integrated into buildings. Furthermore, it is not a cause of any major concern in case of air leaks from the duct. A PVT air heater poses some drawbacks as well, such as uneven cooling of PV panels and lower overall efficiency compared to a PVT water heater resulting from lower specific heat capacity of air. Nevertheless, the choice of the type of working fluid is subject to a variety of factors like efficiency, cost including capital investment, installation, operation and maintenance costs and the particular application.

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