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Utilization of Nutraceuticals and Ayurvedic Drugs in the Management of Parkinson’s Disease

image of Utilization of Nutraceuticals and Ayurvedic Drugs in the Management of Parkinson’s Disease

Age-related degeneration of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons may be either genetic or due to exposure to environmental toxins that mark the onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD) pathology. Treatments like surgery and symptoms relieving drugs are available, but they have their side effects during prolonged consumption. Recent studies have shown that the use of food-derived compounds offers significant prevention and treatment of many neurological disorders. These compounds, commonly known as nutraceuticals, show immense importance in mitigating neuronal disease as there is a strong correlation between food and mental health. Accumulation of α-synuclein protein in the degenerated neurons and concomitant oxidative stressrelated pathological events are critical and known pathological markers of PD therefore, food-derived compounds containing antioxidative capacity may offer therapeutic implications. In addition, nutraceuticals are comparatively cost-effective and the safest alternatives of drugs available. Indian medicine system of Ayurveda has long been incorporating the use of herbs to cure PD. This chapter focuses on the utilization of nutraceuticals and ayurvedic preparations in PD pathology.

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