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The Advancement in Research and Technology with New Kinds of Hollow Structures

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Hollow structures are one of the most highlighted topics of research in nanotechnology. These hollow structures can be in the form of nanospheres, nanocages, nanorods, nano boxes, etc. They can be single-layered or multi-layered, with different kinds of doping. All these variations in hollow structures open up various fields of research, from biomedicines to optoelectronics. With the discovery of hollow structures like carbon buckyball, nanotubes, etc., several application-based -research was carried out, both theoretically as well as experimentally. Modifications are observed in the properties of a material when formed in a hollow shape like better conductivity, trapping capacity, catalytic effect, etc. These properties were the highlight of the studies. This field is still under investigation, and there is a lot of scope for new possibilities in the future. This chapter covers the basic information about different kinds of hollow structures like carbon buckyball, variations in their properties, along with recent developments and their applications. This chapter also includes detailed research about buckyball structures of ZnO, ZnS, and Al-doped ZnO using simulations with their comparative study and future applications.

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