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Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes Infesting Pomegranate and Guava

image of Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes Infesting Pomegranate and Guava

Pomegranate and guavas are two important commercial fruit crops grown in India. These fruit crop plants can be attacked by insect pests, plant pathogens, and plant-parasitic nematodes, which can reduce the quality and quantity of fruit production. Diseases caused by plant-parasitic nematodes are of great economic importance. Many species of plant-parasitic nematodes are found associated with pomegranates and guavas. Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica are among the economically important nematode pests of pomegranates in the world as well as India. In India, these nematodes are a serious problem in Maharashtra state. Guava orchards are facing symptoms of sudden decline and loss in productivity due to heavy infestation of a highly pathogenic species of root-knot nematode, M. enterolobii. The root-knot nematode is spreading to new areas through infected pomegranate and guava saplings. Management of this nematode is a challenge because of its polyphagous nature and ability to survive on weed hosts. Different scientific management strategies are discussed in this chapter. nbsp;

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