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Experimental Analysis of Different Machining Parameters on Epoxy Granite Composite

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In the current manufacturing scenario, conventional machining processes play a broad role in manufacturing composite materials. In this research work, an end milling operation was carried out on reinforced epoxy granite composites. Experiments based on aggregate type, fiber content, spindle speed, and feed rate were performed using the Taguchi method. By undergoing a multi-level design, the L27 orthogonal array of Taguchi was obtained. Based on this design of experiment, an end milling operation was performed on prepared epoxy granite samples. The response constraints such as thrust force and surface roughness values were measured by appropriate measuring instruments. The outcome of system constraints was optimized based on response constraints. The optimization was performed through the multi-attribute decision-making technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution. The ideal process constraints of spindle speed and feed rate were found 1200rpm and 60mm/min, respectively, which produce a better surface finish with minimal thrust force. Analysis of variance was used to verify the influence of process constraints on outcome response. nbsp;

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