Instructional Machines
- Authors: Shareef M. Shareef1, Vinnaras Nithyanantham2
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Department of Software and Informatics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSalahaddin University ErbilKurdistan Region of Iraq 2 Department of General EducationCollege of Education and LanguagesLebanese French University ErbilKurdistan Region of Iraq
- Source: Fundamentals of Educational Technology , pp 17-37
- Publication Date: April 2022
- Language: English
Instructional Machines, Page 1 of 1
< Previous page | Next page > /docserver/preview/fulltext/9789815039832/chap3-1.gifA new technological innovation, computer-aided instructions, became a major method for providing individualized learning to large sectors of our people. Concurrently, instructional machines can adapt teaching orderings to the learning facility of each person, hence ensuring true compatibility of indusial and education. As there is an inevitable request for the student to present activities to the instructional machines, this revolution can offer a much wider learning opportunity than other mass communications instructional machines such as television, motion picture, and radio, which cause more passive behaviour. Chapter five presents important and valuable background information for understanding instructional machines that impact the teaching and learning process. It also illustrates some old and new instructional devices to solve educational problems and concerns, which might replace the teacher and/or make the teacher the assistance of slight scopes in its effective service.
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