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Performance Analysis of ALFC and AVR Systems using PID Controller

image of Performance Analysis of ALFC and AVR Systems using PID Controller

This research work illustrates the modeling of a traditional controller called proportional-integral-derivative controller for the automatic generation control in the system of a single area. The load-dependent equipment is the governor in the automatic load frequency control, while the parameters of the generator, i.e., time constant and the gain, are dependent on load in the automatic voltage regulator system. The values of the parameters do not remain constant when the load varies. These values have to be constant to maintain stability in the system as these will relate to the performance of the ALFC and AVR system. In this research work, the PID controller has been used to control these systems by automatic generation control. Based on simulation results, it may be reported that the conventional controller has done a superior job by yielding better performance index values.

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