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Computing Technologies for Renewable Energy Sources Integration

image of Computing Technologies for Renewable Energy Sources Integration

The present chapter is focused on various computing techniques used for the performance evaluation of the integrated renewable energy system. Due to the stochastic nature of major renewable energy sources, a single renewable energy sourcebased system cannot provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity; hence, to attain high energy security, it is necessary to oversize the rating of the generating system, which in turn increases the overall cost of the system. On the other hand, the integrated renewable energy system, which employs the potential of two or more renewable energy sources to satisfy various energy demands, offers a better option than a single renewable energy system in terms of efficiency, reliability, and cost. However, multisource- based power generation is often more complex due to the involvement of a large number of design parameters and variables. Hence, efficient computing techniques must be used to evaluate the performance of the integrated renewable energy system. In this chapter, the layout and configurations of the integrated renewable energy system are introduced, and various computing technologies used to evaluate the performance and sizing of the integrated renewable energy system are presented and discussed in details. The proposed study will be beneficial to the researchers working on renewable source-based stand-alone power generation for isolated areas.

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