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An Overview of Energy Efficient and Data Accuracy Target Tracking Methods in WSN

image of An Overview of Energy Efficient and Data Accuracy Target Tracking Methods in WSN

Target tracking plays an important role in an application of WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) with its growing popularity for various industrial as well commercial purposes. Many researches have been done for laying the framework of a target tracking algorithm to achieve accuracy while tracking down the target. Although the basic structure of a target tracking algorithm focuses on accuracy but the cooperation of both data accuracy and efficient energy utilization is quite distinct goal in the designing of target tracking algorithms. Through this survey, we present some recent target-based tracking algorithms that focus on dual goal, i.e., efficient power consumption along with the data accuracy. In this paper, we present a comparative structure that showcases that all surveyed algorithms are still on the verge of improved tracking accuracy with energy efficiency and there is still a need of optimization in terms of energy-efficient usage. The primary focus of the paper is to survey the level of energy efficiency in different categories of target tracking algorithms laid down in Wireless Sensor Networks.

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